Playing The Solace Paradox demo and feeling a little stuck? Here are some tips to help you out:
1. Remember that the game is cooperative; you need your friends’ help to solve it! Talk about what you see, listen to what others describe, and ask clarifying questions to make sure you’re getting the full picture.
2. Everything is solvable with information you find in the game, and nothing requires fast reaction times or skill check mechanics.
3. Pay attention to all aspects of the things you find that others don’t have; size, shape, color, location, sound, quantity, pattern, and more may set your clues apart from what other players find.
4. Giving thorough descriptions of what you find and see may reveal additional information as you compare your world to other players’.
5. Don’t be afraid to retrace your steps if you feel hung up on a certain part. There is a lot of information to sift through and it can be easy to accidentally reference a clue incorrectly (it’s ok, it happens!)
6. If you find information that other players don’t have, make sure to read or describe it to them even if it doesn’t seem important; you won’t know for sure until they can hear it too.